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Are you seeing who they are or who you want them to be?
Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey

Are you seeing who they are or who you want them to be?

When dating, it’s easy to fill in the gaps with who you want someone to be instead of seeing them for who they actually are. You ask a few questions, hear what you like, and suddenly your mind starts building a whole story about them. But here’s the truth: you can’t know who someone truly is until they show you. Here’s what to do instead.

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The only insurance against bad dates is you
Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey

The only insurance against bad dates is you

Dating can feel like a gamble, and it’s tempting to look for ways to guarantee a good outcome. But here’s the truth—there’s no insurance for dating. No amount of checklists, social media polls, or background details will predict whether someone is a great match. Some things you just can’t know until you know them. The real key? Trusting yourself to recognize what works, what doesn’t, and adjusting as you go.

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Why dating feels exhausting (and how to make it better)

Why dating feels exhausting (and how to make it better)

Dating after divorce or a breakup can feel overwhelming. But what if you could reframe the process and take back control? In this post, I’ll show you how to approach dating in a way that feels empowering and enjoyable. No exhaustion required!

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Why asking, “Why do they act that way?” won’t help you (and what will)

Why asking, “Why do they act that way?” won’t help you (and what will)

Ever wondered why someone behaves in a puzzling way and turned to friends or the internet for answers? If so, you’re not alone. Before you get caught in the cycle of seeking explanations, consider this: there might be a more empowering approach. Discover why asking others might not be the best strategy and what you can do instead. Read on to learn more!

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The first two questions I always ask in dating
Relationships, Dating, Online Dating Paige Dempsey Relationships, Dating, Online Dating Paige Dempsey

The first two questions I always ask in dating

Discover the essential dating strategies of going slow and being direct to ensure meaningful connections. Learn two key questions to ask early in dating conversations to help weed out unsuitable matches, so you can invest your dating time wisely. Find out why understanding someone's recent relationship status and their proximity is crucial for successful dating.

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When friendship feels hard
Relationships, Friends Paige Dempsey Relationships, Friends Paige Dempsey

When friendship feels hard

Women are good at supporting each other but we often haven't learned how to deal with discomfort and repair in the relationship *between* each other. And when there is discomfort or disrepair, it feels like a great loss because in every other area we thought this person was so close to us. Here's what to do about it.

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Should you hire a matchmaker?
Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey

Should you hire a matchmaker?

While a matchmaker can save you the initial hassle of sorting through potential dates, it's essential not to hand over all your dating decisions to a matchmaker. They make introductions, but ultimately, you're the one who knows what kind of connection feels right for you.

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What reality TV gets wrong about dating
Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey

What reality TV gets wrong about dating

Discover the truth behind TV dating norms and why rushing into relationships may not be the best approach. Dive into the world of Love is Blind and The Bachelor as we explore the pitfalls of making lifelong decisions after just a few weeks of dating. Challenge the notion of instant connections and explore the benefits of slow dating. Don't let rejection on reality TV shows define your worth - you are enough. Ready to embrace a healthier approach to dating? Read on for more…

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Have you diversified your dating portfolio?
Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey

Have you diversified your dating portfolio?

Are you diversifying your dating experience? As any financial advisor will tell you - you need to have a diversified financial portfolio as you invest for the future. 💰 The same is true with dating! If you are looking to grow into a mutually beneficial relationship with someone and are only using dating apps (and then getting frustrated that they are not 'performing' well) it might be time to rethink how you are investing in your dating life!

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