Embrace the life you never imagined

Henry David Thoreau famously said, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have always imagined."

With all due respect, I think he got that wrong.

I think that might keep us stuck in thinking about what 'should' have been and missing the opportunities of what could be. It might keep us attached to a dream or people or places we have outgrown. It might make us frustrated that we don't even know what to imagine our life could be like.

I rewrote this saying a about two decades ago to say: "Live the life you NEVER imagined!"

I never imagined I would:

  • run a marathon

  • be on a game show (Wheel of Fortune, if you're wondering)

  • go away to college

  • study abroad in one of the best cities in the world (London!) and meet lifelong friends while I was doing it

  • open a business (wedding boutique! and now coaching and facilitation)

  • have two dogs - at the same time!

  • get not one but two tattoos (with more to come for sure)

  • have a son and call him 'Cheeks'

  • get married at 38

  • get divorced at 45

  • lose my best friend to cancer at 46

  • have a beautiful baby girl by myself after two rounds of IVF (out of state) by myself

... and so much more!


Life is about REIMAGINING what is possible. 

What do you think?!


Need help letting go of what you thought your life would look like and creating a life you never imagined? 👉 Grab a FREE Breakthrough call with me here.

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.


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