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My best advice.

You are creating your own results
Take a moment and look around at your life --- notice your relationships, your work, your family --- take a quick stock of what is. Then consider for a moment that you have created all of this with your thoughts. How so? Your thoughts create your feelings which lead you to take actions which create your results. The good news? You can change your thoughts and feelings to change your results!

Do you know what you are looking for in a partner and relationship?
Are you dating and looking for a partnered relationship? When you meet someone do you think “I’ll know if it’s a fit when I meet them?” If that’s the case, you’re approaching dating wrong. You need to know what you want so you know it when you see it.

Your resistance is causing you suffering
Does it seem like if other people would just do things differently, you wouldn’t have to suffer? That if other people would just change, your experience in life would be better?
This is called resistance and it is causing you to suffer. Here’s why and what to do about it.

Dating apps are NOT actually the worst!
Do you find yourself saying "I hate dating apps!" or "I'm so sick of dating apps!"? If you're feeling exhausted with dating apps, the apps are not the problem. The apps provide a solution. How you're thinking about them is the problem!

What is shame and what can you do about it?
What is shame? It is the feeling of distress that stems from believing there is a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do something and that you are doing it wrong. This is not a helpful emotion. Here’s what to do instead.

Why are you in a rush to get into a dating relationship?
Why do women often rush into dating relationships? We don’t do this with friends or work colleagues. Only in dating do we think the connection should be instant or it might not work. I disagree and here’s how I slow things down.

Confusion is a lie
You think you’re confused. Confusion makes you feel stuck and unable to make a decision. You’re not confused, you’re scared. Here’s what’s really going on.

Why asking ‘why?’ is not a helpful question
Women spend a lot of time wondering ‘why?’ a guy did or didn’t do something. This is never a helpful question because it only leads to rumination and feeling stuck - not any good answers.

An abridged list of things I (think I) am bad at and why I want to share them with you
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about allll the things you are bad at or doing wrong? Here’s my list. And a few things I think I am doing right!

Are you ‘dating’ someone you’re not actually DATING?
Are you in an intimate relationship with someone that feels like dating… but you’re not actually DATING? See why I think that is a bad idea.

Should I send a follow up text?
Wondering if you should send a follow-up text after a first date? Here’s my take…

How Can it Be EASY?
What are you making more complicated than it needs to be? Ask yourself, “How can this be easy?” Then do that!