Confusion is a lie

The theme of this week's coaching has been confusion.

Confusion about whether to stay at a current job or switch to a new one. Confusion about whether the company you work for aligns with your values. Confusion about whether to keep dating someone or call it off. Confusion about what you even want in a dating relationship.

Confusion is everywhere!

And it's a nice crutch that keeps us stuck in indecision. Because, you know, we're confused.

But confusion is a LIE.

You are not confused.

You're scared.

Scared of knowing what you want.

Scared of wanting what you want.

And most often scared of making the 'wrong' decision and wondering what will happen if it doesn't work out.

The problem is we never know ahead of time if something will work out the way we hoped. In fact, assume that whatever it is you are thinking about probably won't go exactly as you had planned. Knowing this ahead of time can help alleviate the fear of making a 'wrong' decision. We only want to envision the future scenario working out perfectly when, in fact, everything we do in life will have some things we like and some we don't, some successes and some catastrophic failures. There are no right or wrong decisions, just decisions.

That's why you're confused.

If you could just decide what you want, and go for it... what would that be? Decide and move forward, even if you're scared of what's next.

If you need help getting out of confusion, sign up for a call with me. I can help you with that!

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

Why are you in a rush to get into a dating relationship?


Why asking ‘why?’ is not a helpful question