Happy New (School) Year!

I can't believe it is August already! Here we are again! Summer went by in a flash. Did you think so too?!

Having spent 20 years in school myself (Kindergarten through law school) and another three working in higher education (as an Admissions Counselor at Marquette University) and now with kids of my own, I have always thought of August as the beginning of the New Year. January just doesn't hold the same importance for me.

My son is starting Fourth Grade and my new baby is coming up on eleven months old. I am almost in tears thinking about that when she is his age he will be on his way to starting college. What?!? Having that big of an age gap between them really brings home to me how quickly nine years can go by.

So, what are my hopes for William as this new school year begins?

I hope he forgets that the house was usually messy but that he always had a warm and welcoming place to come home to.

I hope he enjoys his friends at school and the new friends he is meeting on his soccer team.

I hope keeps telling me about the good and not-so-good parts of his day.

I hope he keeps telling me about the girls who chase him and taunt him on the playground (I'm looking at you, Rose!) and that he doesn't have a crush on... yet.

I hope he learns a little about Math and writing and reading and History and Science and all the good things you learn about at school.

I hope he enjoys the relationships he will build with his teachers (and that he doesn't cause them too much trouble!).

I hope he grows in his character and willingness to be kind to strangers and supportive of his friends and teammates.

I hope he doesn't fight me on practicing piano too much.

I hope he grows in love for his little sister and watching her grow and learn.

I hope he still comes to me for hugs, still sits on my lap and snuggles with me, and still lets me kiss him goodnight.

I hope he still has his boyish inquiry and playfulness before he gets too close to the pre-teen years.

I wish so many things for him but mostly that he keeps being his wonderful, individual, unique self. Because I love him so much just the way he is.

I hope he always remembers how much he is loved.

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.


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