How Can it Be EASY?

This has come up a couple of times recently so I wanted to share this wisdom with you:

When things seem hard, when things seem complicated, when things just seem like... too much. Ask yourself:

How can this be easy?

One very busy professional client was worried about getting meeting notes and an agenda done for a meeting the next day and was feeling overwhelmed with the 25,000 other things on her to do list.

I asked her, "How can it be easy?"

We had ideas: A grad student to take notes, an easy 3-part agenda that the team could co-create during the meeting (what do we need to talk about from our last meeting, what needs to be discussed today, what are the things we need to work until the next meeting), and so on.

We decided that a meeting agenda could be 'C' work. Other things can be 'A' work.

EVERYTHING YOU DO DOES NOT HAVE TO BE YOUR BEST WORK! Sometimes you just have to keep it simple and keep it moving.

Another example: A mom in a Montessori focused Facebook group I am in had moved the changing table out of her toddler's room and the child was sleeping on a floor bed. She was asking for ideas about where to change him as sitting on the floor was uncomfortable for her.

My response: Put the changing table back in the room. (Make it easy.)

What can you make easier in your life, or in your day, or in a moment when you feel overwhelmed? Need help coming up with ideas? Message me.

In a scene from one of my favorite movies, Erin Brockovich, Erin says to the attorney she works for, "All you lawyers do is complicate situations that aren't complicated." As a former attorney myself, I love Erin's assessment. You can watch the clip here (language warning).

Don't complicate things that don't need to be complicated.

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

Should I send a follow up text?


Happy New (School) Year!