What are you afraid to feel?

What emotion do you avoid the most? 
What emotion is the hardest for you to feel? 
What emotion is the scariest for you? 

I have spent the last three years getting really intimate with emotions - mine and other peoples.’ And here's the good news - emotions are not something to be afraid of. Usually, they are just our body's way of trying to help us access our inner wisdom. There is always something your emotions are trying to tell you (and it might not be what you think!). 

We are taught as children, and especially as women, that we are too emotional, too reactive, and too… everything. That we should 'calm down' and that we definitely shouldn't get upset about whatever happened that made us mad, sad, angry, frustrated, disappointed, or whatever else we might be feeling. 

So, it's no wonder we are afraid to feel our emotions. We might also be scared that if we allow ourselves to feel a certain way, we won't be able to stop feeling that way. 

But here's the thing: not feeling your emotions is terrible advice. Not expressing them is even worse. 

Studies show that our feelings only last 90 seconds! It is our rumination and avoidance of our emotions that make them hang around much longer. And not feeling your emotions can lead to a myriad of physical and mental health issues. 

When we try to avoid our emotions, they just keep coming back like a beach ball you're trying to hold underwater that eventually keeps popping back up to the surface. 

So what is the anecdote to avoiding our emotions? 
Being willing to feel all of them. Getting intimate with them. Asking them what it is they want you to know. And then letting them pass through you.

I have learned several ways to work safely and gently with emotions and I would love to show you how to do that too. Sign up for a call with me and we will gently process whatever emotions that are coming up for you. Your body and mind will thank you and you'll be able to see whatever you've been avoiding or feeling blocked on much more clearly. 

I am here for you!

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.


Men only want ONE thing…


I reject your rejection!