Men only want ONE thing…

Raise your hand if you've ever thought, said out loud, or heard someone say, “Men only want SEX!”

…I think that was all of you?

I see this sentiment shared online so often and it had me wondering… so what? So what if some men are only out there looking for sex? 

While it might be true that some men only want sex, why is that a problem? Some women only want sex too! And when you're an adult you get to want what you want! (That's the best part of being an adult). Men and women are sexual beings and simply wanting more of it is not, by definition, a bad thing. 

So why are women so upset about men wanting sex? I think it is because they believed that having sex with someone would mean they would be in a relationship with someone. But that is often not the case. 

When you get upset that someone had sex with you but no longer wants to date you, you completely give up your power as a woman.

If someone says they are interested in you and you have sex with them, that is your decision. And you have to make that decision regardless of what you think the potential outcome of the relationship might be. Because we all have enough dating experience to know that some relationships last a night, some last a few weeks, and some last longer. But you don't know at the beginning which kind of relationship yours will be. 

When you are a consenting adult, you get to decide what you do and do not want to do - including whether or not to have sex with someone. And as an adult you should also know that having sex does not guarantee intimacy, a long-term relationship, or any other kind of intimate partnership, regardless of what either person may promise. People might want to date you and then change their minds. Or maybe they say they are interested in something ‘more’ when they aren't. Either way, it doesn't actually matter. 

Sex is just… sex. 

If you want to be empowered in your dating relationships, you need to look at how you show up in them (because we can never control what other people do). That means you might want to wait to have sex. Or you might want to have sex but not make it mean anything other than you had a physical connection with someone that you may or may not keep dating. 

Sex can be great. And men and women can have it if they want to. 

As Empowered Women, we don't participate in activities with other people and then get mad at someone else that we participated in those activities. That takes away your power to decide what you want to do and gives someone else's behavior the power to determine how you should feel. But you get to decide how you feel! And I want you to feel confident, empowered, and in control of your dating life. 

If you are ready to have different relationships in the future than you've had in the past, schedule a Relationship Revamp discovery call with me today. 

I want to show you how you might be contributing to your own frustration and how you can create better dating relationships in the future. 

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

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