Are you willing to make your Plan B your Plan A?

I've heard an idea twice this week that I want to share with you:

You need to have a Plan A and a Plan B


You need to be willing to make your Plan B your Plan A.

If you want to work out 'more' or more consistently, account for the fact that you are a human and not a robot. Make a Plan A for when you're ON and can afford to spend more time and energy working out. But you should also have a Plan B so that when work is crazy or the kids are sick or... LIFE HAPPENS... you have something to fall back on (like walking outside for 20 minutes).

And then, don't shame yourself for making your Plan B your Plan A.

More broadly, what is your Plan B for your life, your relationships, your work, and your future plans? If your Plan A is to have biological children with a partner and you aren't in a partnered relationship or you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, have you considered having children unpartnered, adopting, fostering, etc.? Have you considered using a sperm or egg donor if necessary?

If you thought you would stay in your current line of work or with your current employer for a long time, what is your Plan B if you get laid off or need to find a different job for any number of reasons? Have you considered going back to school, trying a different line or work, being self-employed, etc.? 

You need a Plan B.

And you need to be willing to make your Plan B your Plan A.


Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

Let’s talk about feelings


How to reach your goals (Part 3)