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What is your vision for your relationship?
Life Coaching, Relationships Paige Dempsey Life Coaching, Relationships Paige Dempsey

What is your vision for your relationship?

I was coaching someone recently who was contemplating the question of whether or not to stay in their marriage and I shared the following exercise that I found helpful with my ex-spouse: When we were knee deep in couples counseling and the therapist was going back and forth between us, I finally interrupted the session and asked my then husband this question: "What is your vision for our marriage?" When he answered, I knew we were not going to the same place.

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The #1 type of person  I don’t go out with
Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey Relationships, Dating Paige Dempsey

The #1 type of person I don’t go out with

You're heard of The One Before the One? Well, I was becoming the One After the One. I learned a lot from that experience. What I have noticed is this: newly single, newly separated (or not even separated yet!) and newly divorced men are not ready to be dating. At least not in a meaningful way that might lead to a relationship. If you want to get out and have fun, go for it! If you want to date for a relationship, you need to be a little more discerning about where you spend your time.

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