How to set goals that work (Part 1)

Grab a piece of paper and something to write with.

Rather than making a list of things you want to accomplish in the coming year, stand forward a year from now in December of 2023 and look back...

* What have you done? 
* What do you see?
* What did your year look like? 
* What are you most proud of?
* What was important to you? 

Write it down. Write it all down, and in the past tense. Write it as if it is done. 

Here are some examples:
This year in 2023, I:
* Increased my income by 20%
* Released 10 pounds of weight I have been holding on to for too long
* Wrote ten chapters of my book - nearly one every month 
* Met a wonderful partner who I am in a committed relationship with
* Reimagined my relationship with my mother/father/sister/brother in a way that feels safe and loving to me
* Expanded my program to serve 100 clients 
* Created a home life that feels warm and comforting 

... and so on. 

You get the idea. Notice all of those are in the past tense as if they happened. 

You are standing in the future and deciding ahead of time what you created in the past year. 

Don't worry about the 'how' just yet. 

First. we need to know we are the people who can create anything we want in our lives. 

I would also suggest if your list becomes too long to organize it into categories such as work (or be more specific about what part of work), family, relationships, etc.  -- use any categories that make sense for you. 

Then just sit and notice how it feels when you think about your goals this way. Notice when you bring the energy of 'it is done' how that feels different than making a list of 'resolutions' you'll forget about in the next three weeks. 

Make the list. Put it somewhere you can refer to it often. 

Now you have a roadmap for where you're headed, and you'll be excited about knowing what it's going to look like when you get there. 

Next, see Part 2 for how to make it happen.

You got this!

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

How to believe in your goals (Part 2)


Does going home feel like a visit to Dysfunction Junction Lane?