Dating is like watching Netflix

Do you watch Netflix? Hulu? HBO? Prime? Disney? 

I have spent hooooooooooours upon hours watching shows since the pandemic began. Some shows I love, and some not so much. When I find one that doesn't grab me, I just move on to a new show. When I find a show I love, I watch every episode of every season. 

And never once have I thought, "This was a waste of my time!

But often in dating, people complain that the time they spent getting to know someone was a 'waste of time' because it didn't work out.

But, why?

Do you get mad when you watch a little bit of a new show or movie and decide you don't like it? Do you get upset when you didn't really love a show but you kept watching it anyway? Do you get mad when your favorite series ends and you spent all that time watching it?! 

Of course you don't. 

Because shows begin and then they end and we don't question the time we invested in them. 

The same can be true with relationships. 

There's no need to be upset that you invested your time in getting to know someone that you didn't end up in a long-term relationship with. This is just how it goes. You enjoyed some connection and got some entertainment value out of connecting with that person for a while. When it is no longer a fit for one or both of you, you can find connection with a new someone just like choosing a new show to enjoy.

When you clean up the way you think about dating your experience will get so much better, I guarantee it! 

Need help with this?! I am here for you! 

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

What else could be true?


You can like them but also not want to date them