Dating is like the paper clip challenge: there’s always a high value trade ahead

Are you familiar with the paper clip challenge?! It started in 2004 with a guy named Kyle MacDonald who set out to trade one red paper clip for higher value items over and over until he had a house. And he did it in one year and only 14 trades! Now the kids on TikTok are trying the 'trade up' challenge as well.

Last week, a friend of mine on Facebook did this with her kids: they started with a paper clip and six trades later they had a gargoyle looking statue for the front of their house! How fun. ;)

And this got me thinking...

Dating is a lot like the paper clip challenge.

While we're not actually 'trading' one person for another (well, you shouldn't be anyway!), what I have found is this: every time I've let one person go (or they let me go), the next one who comes along is always at least of the same value and usually better.

Why do I say this?

Because every person I've met, chatted with, dated, or hung out with gets me closer to my high value person - my 'house' at the end of my trades. Each one is a lesson in what I like and don't like in dating and relationships. And I never feel like I have lost something when I trade my proverbial paper clip for the next best thing. I know there is always something better waiting for me.

How do I know this? Because I have the belief and the experience to know that this is true.

You don't go backwards in the trade up game. You always trade for an item of equal or greater value.

Same with relationships.

And jobs.

And... well, pretty much everything!

If you are operating out of scarcity that something, or someone, better won't come along... let me help you with that! I know what is possible for you and your relationships and I want you to too! Book a FREE coaching discovery call with me today to learn how coaching can help you 'trade up' for something better.

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

You can like them but also not want to date them


The best advice: Hug and release