The Fall hangover (it’s NO-vember)

If you are anything like me, you're recovering from the Halloween + end of Daylight Savings Time + election trifecta.

I'm tired.

I don't think you even need to have kids to be feeling the hangover from everything going on right now.

It's Fall, y'all!

It's getting darker earlier and getting colder where I live in Nebraska.

I'm preparing for my winter hibernation.

There are so many things that could leave us feeling down or just worn out.

(Can I get a 'hell yeah' for Seasonal Affective Disorder coming down the pipeline too?!).

So... what am I going to do about it?

A lot of nothing.

And I encourage you to, too.

Say NO as much as you can.

Hibernate along with me.

Protect your peace.

Allow space to feel all of your emotions.

Don't over-extend yourself.

Know that seasonal transitions might make you feel different, and that it is okay to show up differently in those times. To downshift your productivity. To let go of perfection.

I would also recommend turning off some of your inputs. If the election coverage is getting to be too much, it is okay to step away for a while. Humans were not designed to be on a 24-hour news cycle.

The work will be there tomorrow.

Are you going to celebrate No-vember with me? What can you say 'No' to in the next couple of weeks?

Paige Dempsey

I am a feminist life and relationship coach for women.

What is your vision for your relationship?


Don’t start at the top of the mountain